Saturday, August 8, 2009

A visit to the jungles of Africa

Saw the jungle/forest this morning - green and thick, lots of plants!! Our guide was awesome! He brought along nuts and fruits to show us what came from each tree! I tried to remember some of what he pointed out:

One type of Ebony - out of 32, only one turns black after it is exposed to air (they are protected)

One plant that when you cut it and bang on the end with a machete it makes a loud noise... check out the video!! Watch carefully because I almost didn't get it. This is useful when you want to tell someone in the jungle where you are but you don't want to alert the elephants as to your location.

One tree that is used as an aphrodisiac

One fruit that is an energy booster and keeps you from feeling hungry

Lots of plants/trees that are used for medicinal purposes

One tree that if you get the sap in your eye it will blind you

Another tree's sap you can put in your water to give it a menthol flavor, and the sap burns easily

A photo of Hannah (my roomie) and Jacob (my grandchild - since I'm the oldest in the house he calls me his grandmere)

One tree that is impervious to bugs and termites

One tree that when you cut it down it grows another one beside it

All this from a forest in Gabon... and we don't even know the half of it I'm sure!!! Our God is amazingly creative and a wonderful provider!

Picture of Torey and Marley walking along the beach, we stopped by after the forest trip.

Ok, so some of you reading my blog I know don't believe in my God. I understand that, but how do you account for all this? So, if its not my God there must be an intelligent/creative/way above us being out there to come up with this. Someone who put together the atom and yet put together the universe... neither of which we can see with the naked eye.

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