Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Hannah and I are addicts - admittedly.
We love television.
Admittance is the first step to recovery.
We don't have satellite and we don't have an antenna, so it is just movies/tv shows we own or have borrowed.
We typically fight the urge to watch TV every night.
On Wednesday nights we do a Bible Study with the Straws and other English speakers.
Some weekends we hang out with the Straws as well.
Some nights we do yoga or zumba.
Some nights we play games.
Some nights we work.
Some nights we read separately.
Some nights we read a book together.  I have been reading a book to Hannah.  I am a visual learner and she is an auditory learner so it just works better that way.  The funny thing is that she retains more of it than I do!
Christie recommended the book "A Whole Nother Story" by Dr. Cuthbert Soup, the president of the National Center for Unsolicited Advice.  For those of you who have kids it is a good "chapter" book that teaches kids words.  Admittedly it taught me some too!
Other ideas?

Saturday, January 28, 2012

times change

This is an old picture.  The stadium is already completed.  The CAN (African Cup) is already started.

There are new over passes.  They are improving the roads.  Things are really changing here.

They have trash bins now across the street from our gate!  No more trash pile.  Well... it may take awhile for people to adjust.  But I smile at the paintings downtown that support throwing trash in the receptacles and frown on throwing it on the ground!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

news at 6... which is actually 12noon for you

 The Bongolo Airplane arrived on January 3rd!!
See more at...
 There were over twenty of us who went to "Turtle Camp" this year.  We went over to Pointe Denis.  It was a great time!  Lisa (on the left) moved to Mali the day after we got back, so it was great to spend relaxing time with her before she moved.  We miss her greatly!!  They got to see a turtle, our second and last night there!!  It was about 3am in the morning.  They got to see the whole process of the mama coming up and laying her eggs... about 1h45m.
 There were two families that had kids about the same ages... they had a blast!
 We did a campfire on the beach!  And smores!!!  A treat since they don't sell graham crackers here... or marshmellows.  I believe a Grandma brought the marshmellows and Joanna had graham crackers from her food order, we just had to toast them a little (humidity).
Rachael did Arabic tea... she watered it down a little for us.  It is a ceremony, although we sort of did as we sat around the campfire. See more at... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moroccan_tea_culture
Notice the leaf as a hot pad??!!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Cold soup

Gazpacho soup
Made from ingredients I bought on the street.
Mom would be so proud.
I was so proud.
I love being able to walk down the street and buy groceries.
Not everything I need, nor the same stuff every time.
Found cucumbers the week I made this.
This week no cucumbers, but limes!
Stuff you can buy all the time... plaintains, onions, tomatoes, green peppers, and other stuff I have no idea what to do with.