Friday, August 14, 2009


Yeah, been here five months and I get a week's vacation! This job has some benefits! Okay so really it's Tim and Meredith's vacation, but they are letting me tag along. So I will be out of reach for the next 10 days.
Please continue to pray for the country and the elections that are coming up... the church here has been very faithful to pray for the elections! I've been praying for a peaceful transition and a new president that will be a positive impact on the country.

Also I've had some friends write with a list of questions, which I will respond to when I get back. If you have some questions you have for me, please post or email them!

What is the best thing about Gabon so far?
What is the most unexpected thing so far?
What do you miss the most?
What has been the best discovery?
What have you learned about yourself?
What did you think that you would miss but you don’t?
Like when you refer to the worksite...what is that?
Are you hosting the short term mission teams or is your main responsibility the TESL?
How often do you have teams coming?
How often do you go to the eye clinic?
What other "teams" like the eye clinic are there?
Have you gotten sick as you've been there?
Would you like anything sent to you?

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to be the first to greet you from your vacation. Hope all went well. Nothing has changed, I still love you.
