Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Le Bon Reponse

Ok, these may not be the right answers, but they are the only ones I've got...

What is the best thing about Gabon so far?
Wow... just one thing... well it would definitely be the people! They are so loving, welcoming, fun, etc. The other great things about Gabon is the time away from life... time to think about God, life, purpose, time to marvel at the world around me and wonder about my place in it. I highly recommend taking time out to just ponder...

What is the most unexpected thing?
Honestly, that people actually read my blog... people that I didn't expect to...

What do I miss the most?
Family and friends - definitely! Their lives continuing on... exciting things happening, their children changing and I'm missing all that. I miss milk (can't get fresh milk here, it's either powder or highly pasteurized), fresh orange juice (also highly pasteurized - and definitely does not taste the same!), and sweet potatoes (Did the peeps at WEB see that coming?). And a good filet mignon wouldn't hurt :)

What has been the best discovery?
Learning about the world, every people group is different... they have their own strengths/ weaknesses. In Gabon they are strong (physically), fantastic prayer warriors, loving, tribe oriented, people oriented, and event oriented. Event oriented means that they are not time oriented so they tend to be late for things, but they are a patient people so it works. I love learning about different cultures - I'm reading a book about the French culture now... very different from ours despite the fact we think they are similar.

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