(Picture of yours truly... notice the great posture Christie!)
What did you think that you would miss but you don’t?
I'm definitely a people person, and I knew I would miss people - and guess what? I do... terribly. It hit me the other day that when I return things will be different, people will have changed.
Like when you refer to the worksite...what is that?
One of Tim's roles here is to connect the short term teams that come out, to what is going on here in Gabon. He connects each team with a different church, usually a church that has a work project going on. This allows each team to connect with a local church and that church to connect with ONE team. If you had all the teams going to one church - you would get more work done on that church, but that church would have a difficult time connecting with so many groups... it's hard enough to connect with people you see for only 5/7 days. Remember the goal here isn't necessarily getting the task done, but building relationships! It was really amazing how well the groups connected despite the short time period and despite the language barrier! Gabonese are warm and caring people... they give love easily and quickly. And great hospitality!!
(This is one of the worksites I went to... the one refered to in the Sam Purse shoebox letter... notice the block all around and the wood forms in the front for pouring cement on that side)
Are you hosting the short term mission teams or is your main responsibility the TESL? My main responsibility is TESL, but for a week or so I was waiting on my assistant to finish administering the BAC (like the SATs in the US) and now we are waiting till after the elections to start the course. Insert post on waiting here... So when I'm not doing TESL work, I help teams. I normally do some manually labor with them and maybe a little translation here and there, but the interns are the ones that lead the teams.
Thanks for posting answers to some of my questions. Love the alternative use of the passport holder! Maybe the company should start marketing them as window holder-uppers.