Sunday, August 30, 2009
Panga view from the house...
Through Hannah's eyes
Out of town...
I've had some interest in people wanting to help out with the English class expenditures and I've been slack about getting back to them. This morning I had an idea though... we're starting our first English class for level one on the 10th of September. One person has sent me a text that he would like to attend, but can't afford the class (for students it is ~$50 and for adults it is ~$100 for a twelve week session). If you would be interested in providing a scholarship, please let me know so that I can offer it to the students.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Panga Pictures
After driving one day to get to Bongolo and then getting up the next day and driving five more hours to Panga Sam is very excited to finally get there!
Hannah showed me how to adjust photos and make them look cooler... Alace and Meredith walking on the beach...
Misc pics for friends
Remember the pizza demonstration?
Mama Collette (my pastor's wife) is putting the toppings on. Notice the toppings for this pizza are ham and pineapple - yes I taught them how to make a Hawaiian pizza! I also taught them a few of my other favorites as well. Jeanne you would be proud, we made a mushroom and olive pizza! There is no pepperoni here so you have to figure out other toppings.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Final round
We started having teams at the end of June and they come for 10-12 days... usually we got a day or two in between teams, but not always. Teams ranged from 6 people to 20 something... we had two teams here at a time sometimes so at one time we had 43 people in the house - packed! There were also some individuals or couples that came out this summer for anywhere from 2 weeks to 7 weeks. We just finished with our last team of the summer the first week in August. We have another medical team of 2 coming for the month of October.
How often do you go to the eye clinic?
What other "teams" like the eye clinic are there?
I'm going to lump these together and just explain the Medical Clinic and Caravan.
(picture of Sharla, Mama Jeanine, Meredith, and Mama Parienne sitting out in front of the building we did the caravan in)
Have you gotten sick?
Not really, oh yeah I did throw up once, but I think that was some bad mayo or a lettuce issue. I really haven't had any noteworthy digestive issues. One time I did have a sinus problem/infection but it went away in a few days. As I write this I'm also remembering the ear infection I had... that was bad, it hurt, but thankfully Mama Jeanine prescribed me some meds! It's nice having a close connection with the medical caravan!!
Would you like anything sent?
Definitely - an airplane with my friends and family on it!!!!
I would love for you to come here and share my experiences! I really want all of you to see/touch/smell/experience this adventure!
More answers
(Picture of yours truly... notice the great posture Christie!)
What did you think that you would miss but you don’t?
I'm definitely a people person, and I knew I would miss people - and guess what? I do... terribly. It hit me the other day that when I return things will be different, people will have changed.
Like when you refer to the worksite...what is that?
One of Tim's roles here is to connect the short term teams that come out, to what is going on here in Gabon. He connects each team with a different church, usually a church that has a work project going on. This allows each team to connect with a local church and that church to connect with ONE team. If you had all the teams going to one church - you would get more work done on that church, but that church would have a difficult time connecting with so many groups... it's hard enough to connect with people you see for only 5/7 days. Remember the goal here isn't necessarily getting the task done, but building relationships! It was really amazing how well the groups connected despite the short time period and despite the language barrier! Gabonese are warm and caring people... they give love easily and quickly. And great hospitality!!
(This is one of the worksites I went to... the one refered to in the Sam Purse shoebox letter... notice the block all around and the wood forms in the front for pouring cement on that side)
Are you hosting the short term mission teams or is your main responsibility the TESL? My main responsibility is TESL, but for a week or so I was waiting on my assistant to finish administering the BAC (like the SATs in the US) and now we are waiting till after the elections to start the course. Insert post on waiting here... So when I'm not doing TESL work, I help teams. I normally do some manually labor with them and maybe a little translation here and there, but the interns are the ones that lead the teams.
Le Bon Reponse
What is the best thing about Gabon so far?
Wow... just one thing... well it would definitely be the people! They are so loving, welcoming, fun, etc. The other great things about Gabon is the time away from life... time to think about God, life, purpose, time to marvel at the world around me and wonder about my place in it. I highly recommend taking time out to just ponder...
What is the most unexpected thing?
Honestly, that people actually read my blog... people that I didn't expect to...
What do I miss the most?
Family and friends - definitely! Their lives continuing on... exciting things happening, their children changing and I'm missing all that. I miss milk (can't get fresh milk here, it's either powder or highly pasteurized), fresh orange juice (also highly pasteurized - and definitely does not taste the same!), and sweet potatoes (Did the peeps at WEB see that coming?). And a good filet mignon wouldn't hurt :)
What has been the best discovery?
Learning about the world, every people group is different... they have their own strengths/ weaknesses. In Gabon they are strong (physically), fantastic prayer warriors, loving, tribe oriented, people oriented, and event oriented. Event oriented means that they are not time oriented so they tend to be late for things, but they are a patient people so it works. I love learning about different cultures - I'm reading a book about the French culture now... very different from ours despite the fact we think they are similar.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Please continue to pray for the country and the elections that are coming up... the church here has been very faithful to pray for the elections! I've been praying for a peaceful transition and a new president that will be a positive impact on the country.
Also I've had some friends write with a list of questions, which I will respond to when I get back. If you have some questions you have for me, please post or email them!
What is the best thing about Gabon so far?
What is the most unexpected thing so far?
What do you miss the most?
What has been the best discovery?
What have you learned about yourself?
What did you think that you would miss but you don’t?
Like when you refer to the worksite...what is that?
Are you hosting the short term mission teams or is your main responsibility the TESL?
How often do you have teams coming?
How often do you go to the eye clinic?
What other "teams" like the eye clinic are there?
Have you gotten sick as you've been there?
Would you like anything sent to you?
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Operation Christmas Child
Just wanted you to see some of the results of your efforts. I tried to scan the document, but I'm not sure you will be able to read it so I will type it out below:
Saturday, August 8, 2009
A visit to the jungles of Africa
One type of Ebony - out of 32, only one turns black after it is exposed to air (they are protected)
One plant that when you cut it and bang on the end with a machete it makes a loud noise... check out the video!! Watch carefully because I almost didn't get it. This is useful when you want to tell someone in the jungle where you are but you don't want to alert the elephants as to your location.
One tree that is used as an aphrodisiac
One fruit that is an energy booster and keeps you from feeling hungry
Lots of plants/trees that are used for medicinal purposes
One tree that if you get the sap in your eye it will blind you
Another tree's sap you can put in your water to give it a menthol flavor, and the sap burns easily
A photo of Hannah (my roomie) and Jacob (my grandchild - since I'm the oldest in the house he calls me his grandmere)
One tree that is impervious to bugs and termites
One tree that when you cut it down it grows another one beside it
All this from a forest in Gabon... and we don't even know the half of it I'm sure!!! Our God is amazingly creative and a wonderful provider!
Ok, so some of you reading my blog I know don't believe in my God. I understand that, but how do you account for all this? So, if its not my God there must be an intelligent/creative/way above us being out there to come up with this. Someone who put together the atom and yet put together the universe... neither of which we can see with the naked eye.
No not one
Lyrics to No Not One : Brandon Heath
No better word than from your lips
No perfect life than what you lived
No greater gift, no not one
No brighter star has ever shined
No better hope for all mankind
No higher mind, no not one
No one has ever known
This kind of love you’ve shown
There has never been a greater love
Than your son
No. Not one
And there’ll never be a name above
No, Not one
With his life you have forgiven us
Hope has come
Hope has come
And there will never be a greater love
No, Not one
No image true or sweeter frame
No simple word can match your name
No greater fame
No not one
No one has ever seen
The depth of your majesty
No greater call
You gave us all a reason to live
No greater love
You gave us all a reason to give
No greater life
You gave us all a reason to shine
No greater love
Forever mine
[ No Not One Lyrics on ]
Check it out on youtube...
I love you...
1If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, 2then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. 3Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. 4Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Just want to let you know that I really appreciate all the fellowship with the Spirit that I get from the other side of the ocean!! Thank you to all who comment, send me emails, fb, etc...
I love you and miss you!!
TESL update
Some pics from medical caravan
When we help with the medical clinic I usually help with the eye clinic. We normally set up in a different place that is darker, she needs less light so she can see into their eyes better. This is a picture with Natalie one of the nurses (acts as a doctor) with the eye clinic. She is really cool!
Just a beautiful picture - this is Gabon - green everywhere! A beautiful place! Ever thought of visiting? Now would be a great time!!
Caitlyn from the last team holding a child from the village.
Pastor Jacob playing the water jug (new instrument), so really they can make a joyful noise with anything that's around.
Waiting isn't so bad though - often it gives me time to think, time to process what's going on in my life, time to thank God for this awesome experience, time to think about how He is changing me, if I'm outside... time to ponder His marvelous creation, time for prayer, etc.
Waiting isn't such a bad thing.