Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Not ready yet

Apparently this little guy is not ready to come out yet... one of my many mango worms! Mama Jeanine tried squeezing him out today, but he isn't ready - phewy! He's kind of getting on my nerves! There is a pinching sensation every now and then, like now... give me a minute... and they itch! Can you see his little black head? I was hoping today was going to be the day, but I guess not... oh well. Maybe tomorrow...


  1. YUCK! ...Oh, Leanne...How did you get this? From drying clothes outside?!

    How are you holding up without Tim & Mer?

  2. Did you try the "vaseline" trick? Put a dab on it's head and wait til it comes up for air? If that doesn't work, Dr. Keir would love to cut it out for you! HA!

  3. I do love you. I am so sorry, there are hard places in this life. One day that will not be the case! Until then---
    Merry, Merry Christmas!
