Friday, September 11, 2009


Had a friend of mine from the US write the other day. I really appreciated the raw honesty of it and wanted to share it and give a short response

"why does everyone feel they need to leave their ministries HERE for bigger and better ministries. Yes, I finally got ticked at you. I know that it was a God thing - you know that - that became quite clear to me - and I am sure this is too - but the abandonment issues are still real feelings . when others leave - it really stinks."

I love it when you have a friend who is close enough to be angry with you and tell you. My momma once told me "I love you... I am mad at you right now, but I still love you"... telling me there was a difference between love and a short term feeling like anger. The more I read about love, the less I think it is a feeling and the more I believe it is a decision (insert sermon on love here...)

It also reminds me of that verse in Proverbs 27:6...

Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.

I also love the fact that she feels secure enough in our relationship to be able to express her true feelings; that she can put them out there and we can deal with them.

So to those of you who might be a tad mad at me (it's ok if you are), I'm sorry. But I do feel that God has led me here, not necessarily for bigger and better things but for different things. God knows that I need to grow and I believe that we grow the most through struggles and challenges. Actually this experience has been a humbling one for me... I'm not the big dog at Awana, in fact the greatest thing I've done for the church is to show them how to make pizzas - not quite the same.

But also know that I miss you guys too, and regret not getting to hear the details of your life, how you and your kids continue to grow, being there when you are going through rough times, etc...

I love you,



  1. I'm reading "Extraordinary" by John Bevere (new to come on my blog - book reviews). In it he says that you can't change how much God (or parents) love you but you can change how pleased they are with you. I thought that was a great way to word it.

  2. I do not love you just here or there. I love you where ever you are.

  3. Sounds like you have good friends, Leanne...thankfully, though, no one else is responsible for making OUR decisions for us. We stand alone on judgement day and will answer for our obedience, whether those who loved us understood it or not.

    You're my hero BECAUSE you are there....not because it's a better place to serve God but because you followed His call and just went. That's NOT an easy thing to do for an extended period of time. There's a plan behind it all, and you're willing to find out what it is. I love that.

    Soak up all that is around you and all that you are learning and tuck it into your heart.
