So I've realized that I'm posting news from over a month ago and you might want to hear what is going on now, sorry. But I will be continuing with Dad's trip later.
Just so you know my schedule... and what I/we do in a normal week:
Sunday - Church (usually get back around 1pm or 2pm), then rest the rest of the day
Monday - Prep for my English class
Tuesday - usually shopping in the morning and English class in the afternoon
Wednesday - Mobile clinic in the morning, French class at 1pm, Hope House at 3pm, then to the Straws for dinner, expatriate youth group/adult bible study
Thursday - English class in the afternoon
Friday - Mobile clinic in the morning, French class at 1pm
Saturday - JPC (Youth group at my church) in the afternoon
So things have been normal lately, with some slight modifications... We had the Kellys up from Bongolo for a couple weeks hanging out with us. We just got a small team in last night. It is a PA who has been here before and his daughter and one of her friends.
But the really big news is that Tim & Meredith are leaving to go home for 3 months this Sunday! It will be so wierd living here without T&M! Life will definitely change, I don't think I really realize how much I depend on them, but I have a scary feeling I'm about to find out!
Future plans: I also am working on starting level 2 English class, hopefully in December. And there is some talk about starting up a English club where people can come and just talk.
Hey Leanne! You'll do great running the "show" at STMO! You rock! Keep up the great work, sista.