Saturday, May 23, 2009

une autre aventure

So I went to my first youth event today... after Ellen (pronounced Alan) asked me last Sunday where I was last Saturday (the youth meets every saturday). It was a soccer match up the road at the Bible school. After the game Ellen asked me if I was going to the testimony time - she didn't say those words b/c if she had I wouldn't have understood her! Anyway, 15 people are getting baptised tomorrow so they gave their testimony at church tonight. So we starting walking from the Bible school over to the church. We - being my new friends Sandra (her dad's the pastor), Ellen, and Stella. We took a shortcut - quite neat and what an adventure! Then we came out at a recognizable high school where the pastor picked us up in his little toyota/nissan pickup truck. Before we got to the church we had picked up 10 people, but that's nothing to the 20 people we took home. Now please keep in mind the 20 people doesn't include the 3 in the cab and that it is not a large truck. We've actually seen one large truck (Silverado) everything else is toyotas or nissans - no american made here.

I had a great day today... my first adventure by myself and interacting on my own. Got to be a part of everyday life - reminds me of when I was in Honduras so many years ago (however old Lilli Greer is). I went to the barbershop with the guys... not like it was an exciting event or anything but it was just neat to see real life, interaction, etc. Same thing today - walking down the foot trails that they walk and remembering which branch to take.

1 comment:

  1. I love you and miss you. I wish I could be there to share in these adventures for you but I dance for joy over all that you are experiencing and learning!!!! You are amazing, thanks for letting the Lord work in you!
