Friday, April 20, 2012

friday night

Its Friday night and I am struggling with what to post on my blog.  I have decided that I am going to try to post every week and I'm going to aim for Fridays.  Let's see how long this lasts...
So tonight as I am wondering what to write about, the following events unfold.
We've had a leak under our sink now for quite some time, but today when Claude came to investigate he actually made it a little worse so he had to shut off the water going to our kitchen sink.  No big deal we have two other sinks.  Or actually the shower would work...

At first I was taking pictures, then Hannah asked me "Do you want me to take a picture of you in the shower?" and of course I replied, "Yeah!".   How often do you get asked that question?  And how much less often do you answer in the affirmative?
 When Hannah was cooking chicken for dinner, she started smelling something weird and then discovered that our transformer was smoking!!  We have two other transformers... they are in the office.

Hannah on the office floor.  Oops forgot to vacuum after dinner!
Then to top off the night... we had found some glue to catch mice/rats with and had put it on a piece of cardboard with a big dollop of peanut butter in the middle.  Right after dinner, I walked past and saw that the mouse has already been trapped.  We spring in to action, hesitantly of course, I go get a bucket of water and Hannah puts a bucket over him to make sure he doesn't get away.  Hannah dons oven mitts and flips the bucket with the mouse stuck to the cardboard.  I pour the water over, and Voila... a dead roommate!  He won't be eating my granola bars again!

He is under there... I hope.  Isn't it appropriate that we used the box of the glue that killed him?


  1. if you're posting on fridays, it'll be one more reason to look forward to friday! :)
    glad your mouse is gone, and your shower picture makes me laugh!

  2. Hey Leanne! You go blog girl! This could be the start of a wacky of you in the shower cooking,blogging, knitting, blowing bubbles, etc, anything but showering, hehehe! Looking forward to weekly blogs. I promise to be strong and not cry if I don't see them every pressure!! :)
    Miss you,
