Tuesday, March 22, 2011

They melt in your heart, not in your hand!

We had a request from a church in the states for handprints from all the kids at the Hope House, the abandoned children’s home that we visit.  So, took a few markers and a bunch of crayons over there last Saturday and traced their hands.  After that we had them write their names and color their artwork!  It was really hard giving them away so I ended up scanning them all into my computer.  As I was going through them I found this one… the translation for the words inside the heart: Liliane (they call me Mama Liliane) and Emi (a boy about 12 years old) are friends!  Yes they do melt in your heart!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my....so sweet! And what a great idea! This is evidence you have one some little hearts over there! You are awesome...keep on, my friend!
