Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Dad's trip (first two days)

So my Daddy came for 10 whole days! Yeah!

His first day here I had English class so I had the class greet him and ask him a few questions. At the end of class they brought in some brownies and had the class sing happy birthday to me!

He came for my birthday! That morning when I came down for breakfast they had the table all decorated and Meredith had made her awesome cinnamon bread! I opened gifts from here and home! Thank you! Definitely one of my best birthdays ever!

After breakfast we went on a medical caravan to a fishing village here in Libreville. Dad and I did the blood pressure and weight.

We also went for a short hike with Joseph down to the shore and saw where they smoked the fish. Dad really bonded with Joseph. Here's a picture of them at the smokehouses on the shore.

It started raining when we were down there so one of the locals picked up a piece of "tull" (roofing that they use to cover the fish when they are smoking them) and we walked part of the way back under that... the local soon found three umbrellas that they lent to us. Love this photo!

The blogs on dad's trip will be coming in installments... some of which will have some verbage from him as well. So you can get this Gabonese thing from a different perspective! Still to come... Did my dad survive the 14 hour rainy trip back from Bongolo?? What was it like to be on the other end of Operation Christmas Child?? Tune in next time to hear the rest of the story...


  1. I am so happy that he was there on your birthday! Can't wait to hear the rest.
