As I kid I didn't really like fall... everything was dying. The weather starts getting colder. I'm not a big cold fan except for the snow. I like snow, it's fun and I can ski!!! As an adult I have grown to like fall, mostly for all the colors. I love colors! Vermont is absolutely beautiful in the summer, but fall is looking very promising as well! Now don't get nervous I am still loyal to NC!
Have you ever seen the movie "August Rush"? One of the lines in the movie is "the music is all around us... all you have to do is listen". Have you listened to the music around you?
In North Carolina the background of the symphony is bugs - crickets and other amazingly loud creatures. Then you'll hear birds put their two cents in.
In Vermont it's different, the base music is usually the wind. Then a babbling brook will come in and out, and if you're lucky there is the occasional bird. It's interesting to me the different sounds of places.
What does your backyard sound like? What music does it make?