Saturday, September 15, 2012

What?! Leanne posted a blog?

I know hard to believe, right?
I personally have been realing at the news of Envision closing in Gabon.  At this point I am numb.  I have gone through a wide range of emotions in the last few weeks and at this point I am exhausted.
We have finally sold all our stuff, not technically our things but things Envision has amassed over the years.  Yard sales are a little different here and a little more stressful.
Well I have my plane ticket home.  I am going to stop by and see Rose, before I head back to the states.
Sorry this is just a boring email.  I feel like there are probably a lot of emotions inside me, but too busy or too exhausted to process through them right now.

1 comment:

  1. leanne - i don't know where you are on your journey at this point, but i wanted you to know that i've been praying for you the last couple of weeks. i was (and am) very sad to hear about the closing of the envision center. Proverbs 19:21, Jer. 31:25
    with love- joy
