Sunday, May 20, 2012

Shiny object

My mom has lost the ability to concentrate. Wait...have I lost that ability too? TV - no problem, ask anyone who has seen me around one and they will tell you that I can definitely concentrate on tv. Maybe because they change the screen at least every 6 seconds. Have we lost the ability to concentrate on one thing longer than 6 seconds? I know for me, if I want to really think and concentrate on something I usually have to isolate myself. Have you ever seen the movie "Up"? You know the dog that would always get distracted by a squirrel? That's me! Is multitasking really that great if we lost the ability to concentrate? I have just lost concentration on this it will end, for now.

1 comment:

  1. God bless you Leanne. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom. I pray that God's peace, comfort, and unfailing love distracts you as often as possible, every 6 seconds would be ah-mazing!!
    Love you,
