Friday, April 27, 2012

let the teams begin

our first team was a repeat offender... Fellowship Alliance Chapel from NJ
I learned a lot about NJ... it seems a little like Gabon in that you have to know people to get things done

Suzzanne, Ashlee, and Susan helping the widows make peanut butter to sell.
Steve, Ryan, and Doug playing wiffle ball with Janice and the other kids at Hope House.
Ashlee, a black belt in some form of martial arts, taught the kids a few self-defense moves.  Here Ellie is hitting a target.
I just loved Joshua's smile in this one!

This is a toilet that Ryan and Doug installed at the Hope House along with two showers!  Now the 48 kids have more than just one toilet and one shower to use!

Ashlee and Joy both shared at a women's meeting.  I translated for Ashlee into French and then Mama Jeanette (my former English student) translated into the tribal language.
The road to the village where we did our mobile clinic was long and rough.  This is a better stretch of road.  We got stuck several times with a 4x4!
Steve shared his testimony before we started the medical clinic and 22 people decided to follow Christ!  Please pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to work in their hearts and will provide discipleship for them!
Doug was the group's fearless leader.  He was definitely a servant leader and I learned a lot from him!
Suzzanne was really great at showing God's love despite the language barrier!  Here the ladies of the village were giving her a pineapple and peanuts!
Did I mention that this was a fun group!  We were hanging out and having fun in the kitchen.  Suzzanne was having a little too much fun!


  1. Love the new format, the amount of detail, and the new (hopefully) frequency of posting! Keep up the good work!

  2. love the picture of joshua!! i was only at hope house that one day, and he captured my heart right away. <3

    love the every-friday blog! so fun to read your words each week. :)

  3. I applaud you, Leanne. You rock the blogs, girl...among all the other things that you do beautifully unto the Lord. Thanks for sharing. It means a lot to us! Thanks for your obedience and service to our great God. It was such a privilege serving with you! Miss you tons, though you are a prayer away in my heart!
    Love you and love the blogs so keep em coming!
